Tactical Research & Development Group

T: 07976 841 935 E: info@trdg.co.uk


Maurice Teague

Self-Defence Expert

Maurice Teague (Mo) is a highly respected and experienced self-defence expert who has dedicated his life to teaching individuals how to protect themselves and stay safe in dangerous situations. With a strong background in martial arts and extensive training in various self-defence techniques, Mo has become a trusted authority in the field.


Mo was born and raised in a small town where he developed a passion for martial arts at a young age. He began his training in traditional martial arts disciplines such as karate and judo, quickly excelling and earning multiple black belts. His dedication and talent led him to compete in numerous national and international martial arts tournaments, where he achieved great success.

After years of honing his skills, Mo realised that his true calling was in competing and sharing his knowledge with others. He decided to shift his focus towards teaching self-defence, aiming to empower individuals with the necessary skills to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Credentials for Teaching Self Defence

Mo’s credentials for teaching self-defence are extensive and impressive. He has spent decades studying various martial arts styles, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai and Jeet Kune Do. This diverse training background allows him to provide a well-rounded approach to self-defence instruction.

In addition to his practical experience, Mo holds multiple certifications from renowned self-defence organisations. He is a certified instructor in Krav Maga, a highly effective self-defence system developed for the Israeli military. Mo has also completed advanced training programs in personal safety and situational awareness, further enhancing his expertise in the field.

In addition, Mo has an extensive teaching background. He has taught self-defence classes to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, including women's self-defence workshops, corporate self-defence seminars and specialised training for law enforcement personnel. His ability to adapt his teaching methods to different audiences makes him a highly sought-after instructor.

Mo’s teaching style is known for its emphasis on practicality and real-world application. He focuses on teaching techniques that are easy to learn and remember under stress, ensuring that his students can effectively defend themselves in high-pressure situations. His classes also incorporate situational simulations and scenario-based training to provide a realistic learning experience.

As a testament to his expertise, Mo has been featured as a self-defence expert in various media outlets, including television programs, podcasts and online publications. His insights and advice have reached a wide audience, further establishing his reputation as a trusted authority in the field of self-defence.

Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of self-defence or an experienced practitioner seeking to refine your skills, Mo's expertise and passion for teaching make him an exceptional choice as an instructor.

Achievements / Awards / Grades

Martial Arts

  • Jeet-Kune-Do
  • Kali
  • Submission Wrestling
  • Muay Thai
  • Sambo
  • Self-defence and Protection
  • Military Arrest and Restraint


  • Inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame
  • Columnist and writer for martial arts publications
  • Featured in Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men program
  • Founder and Chief Instructor of Weymouth Martial Arts Centre
  • Director and Chief Instructor of the Tactical Research and Development Group
  • Member of the London Chapter of the Guardian Angels
  • Good Citizen award for working with those with drug and alcohol problems
  • Military qualifications (not listed)


  • 15 Years of Military Service in an Elite Infantry Regiment
  • Including Royal Duties and Covert and Intelligence Operations
  • Royal Photographer, Photographing Members of The Royal Family Including HM The Queen and Princess Diana
  • Bouncer (Now Door Supervisor)
  • Close Protection Operator and Trainer

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Training courses are held across the UK by qualified instructors.


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